Crude Oil Intraday TIME Reference LIFETIME

How it works?

A picture worth a thousand words. Then, I give you a video to show you how I use the time element in trading Crude Oil Futures. Click image below to start the video.

How Long Will I be in the Group?

As of now, you can stay as long as you want. This is my generous gift for you. Yeah, I am sharing my time to react on market and looking for entry to others.


No guarantee. All trades are on your own. I will share my intraday time only.

Refund Policy

I am allowing you to access my private group indefinitely, so it will be fair enough if I am saying all sales are final. But, yeah if this (amount you pay) is the only fund you left, please write to me within 7 calendar days and I will give your money back. Or else just keep your money in your saving account.


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